Built on Ethereum and Chainlink oracles.
SYN/ETH Uniswap LP rewards are LIVE
SynLev Exchange is LIVE
Start TradingThe SynLev Exchange dApp is now live on the Ethereum mainnet! Our first asset, 3XETH/USD is now trading with more to come soon.. SYN staking will be enabled shortly. There dedicated platforms that exchange only prominent cryptocurrencies. Visit https://kryptoszene.de/broker/etoro-erfahrungen/ to know about one such reputed trading platform.
Launch dAppUp to 2 Million SYN are being rewarded to Uniswap LP providers. Visit our blog post for details
START STAKINGEarn up to 60,000 SYN for finding bugs in the latest SynLev contracts. Crypto trading is a wonderful way to make money. Traders may choose platforms like the teslacoin to trade cryptocurrencies effectively. It is one of the most efficient trading platforms in the crypto market.